Use different types of sources to form unique impressions and foster curiosity in the research process
Find sources for your topic online, in research databases, or by interacting with the original idea or creative work. Using multiple types of sources helps you develop a well rounded project.
Get familiar with the three types of sources
Understand how each type supports research
Learn where to access the sources
Now imagine that your research is like a target, and each source is in a different part of that target.
Primary sources are in the center. They include original ideas, research or creative works. They give us direct, "first hand" information.
Secondary sources are in the next level. They help us see the original idea through an expert's experience or research. They give us indirect information that can be subjective or objective.
Tertiary sources, aka background information, are the outside layer. They contain trusted information about the topic. They don't include opinions, judgements or feelings. We use them to gather reliable facts in order to get a better understanding about our topic. The give us indirect, objective information.
Sometimes a source gets a different label depending on your academic area, context or instructor, so check with your instructor for clarification. Here are a few examples:
primary: fiction movie is a unique creative piece
secondary: documentary about the impact of 9-11. Though, this may feature primary source material such as interviews, footage or speeches
Blogs or podcasts:
primary: personal life experience, such as an individual's personal experience of an illness. It happened to the writer
secondary: opinions about a topic, because the author is sharing their feelings or their own impressions
primary: Reporting on an event where the writer relays the facts to others, a published speech, photographs, and sometimes even advertisements
secondary: an editorial, commentary or opinion
There are thousands of places to find sources. Here are a few places to start:
Primary sources:
Read diaries, autobiographies, newspapers, speeches or select blogs
Watch concerts and films, or listen to music and select podcasts
Visit museums or archives to look at and interact with creative works
Search primary source databases from the library
Secondary sources:
Search academic and scholarly databases from the library
Look to professional organizations and industry leaders
Use government sources
Background information:
Search reference databases from the library
Consult encyclopedias, dictionaries or reference books
Look for professional organizations with access to first hand knowledge about the topic
Works Consulted: