Topics include World War 1, Jazz Age & Depression, World War II, Postwar, Late 20th Century, and 21st Century. Check out The British Film Institute's 1946 production, A Diary for Timothy.
Topics include History from America, Europe, military, and the World, as well as biographies and genealogy. Includes primary sources newsreels such as this WPA Film Libraries series: Ronald Reagan Speeches.
Topics include photography, applied art, architecture, art history and art appreciation. Checkout this NewsHour production, AI Art
Topics include American government and global politics. Includes the Frontline video: Putin and the Presidents.
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Find Full Text, academic sources with the ease of Google searching.
Looking for a way to find full text, academic sources quickly? Don’t just “google” it, use Google Scholar! Online search engines are designed for general information searches, background information, travel and shopping. Google Scholar uses Google's simple, clean interface to find scholarly articles, citations and case law. It even lets you know when full text is available from Mears! That means you can use it, with a few cautions, to search quickly online and access premium academic content from the library.
Here’s a quick list of what to expect with Google Scholar:
It feels like a search engine but works like a premium research database
It helps you “discover” citations for items, but may not provide links to full text articles
Look for Find @ Mears Library and use your MyUSF credentials to access premium content from journals
Link Google Scholar to Mears Library
Make it easier to find full text, premium academic content available to USF students. Create an account in Google Scholar and link to Mears' Library.
Click the menu and navigate to Library Links
If you are on campus, the resources will already be selected
If you are off campus, search for: University of Sioux Falls. Then select:
University of Sioux Falls - ProQuest full text
University of Sioux Falls - Find @ USF-Mears Library
Open WorldCat - Library Search