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Archives and History

The University Archives: records through the ages 

The original campus library was located on the top floor of Jordan Hall. The library was small and after 80 years of operation, the university was looking for something more. They needed more space and more resources in order to support the students and the staff.

In 1964 the building now known as Mears Library was completed under the direction of University President Jeschke. The building was named for its greatest supporter, Norman B. Mears, who was on the Board of Trustees at that time. Mears donated a substantial amount to the new library and was instrumental in the building process.

The Sioux Falls College/ University of Sioux Falls Archives is located on the ground level of the Norman B. Mears Library. The objectives of the Archives are to identify, collect, arrange, describe, and preserve records of continuing value to the University; to facilitate efficient records management; to serve research and scholarship by making records available for use; and to promote knowledge and understanding of the goals, history and operation of the University.  

 Please contact the library for access to the Archives or to inquire about making a donation. 

Access and Donation Documents

Archives Policies

  1. The Sioux Falls College Archives will collect official papers of Sioux Falls College. Official papers are those records generated or received by administrative offices of the College in the conduct of their business. The Archives will collect those administrative records listed in the current "Schedule for Transfer of Records to the Archives" (pp. 6-7). Administrative offices of the College are encouraged to donate associated records when the Archives is willing and able to receive them.
  2. The faculty, staff and alumni of Sioux Falls College are encouraged to donate those professional and personal papers that the Archives is willing and able to receive. All such records become the property of the Archives. Desired faculty records include class outlines, examinations, theses, publications, biographical data, minutes, and photographs. Desired student and alumni records include scrapbooks, diaries, theses, publications, biographical data, minutes, and photographs.
  3. The Archives is the official repository for records from Cedar Valley Seminary, Des Moines University, Grand Island College, and Parker College. Archival materials pertaining to those former colleges will be received, if the Archives is willing and able to accept them. Such materials become the property of the Archives.
  4. The Archives will be the official repository for records of the South Dakota Baptist Convention and its constituent members. The Convention and its constituent members maintain legal title to all of their donations and may add to or withdraw records. The Archives will collect records listed under "Convention" in the "Schedule for Transfer of Records to the Archives" (pp. 6-7). The Convention and its constituent members are encouraged to donate records that the Archives is willing and able to receive.
  5. The Archives will accept from other organizations and individuals only those records which promote knowledge and understanding of the goals, history and operation of Sioux Falls College. All such donations become the property of the Archives.
  6. Selected photographs and other non-paper materials may be donated only if the Archives is willing and able to receive them.
  7. Only those artifacts and works of art useful for exhibit purposes will be accepted by the Archives.


The copyright law of the United States governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Photocopies or other reproductions can be furnished only under certain conditions, if they will be used solely for private study, scholarship or private research. Use of the reproduction for other purposes may make the user liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgement, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of the copyright law.

  1. Each researcher must fill out a request to use archives.
  2. Archival materials do not circulate. They are to be used only in the designated reading area. Certain records may be subject to restricted access.
  3. Each researcher must assume full responsibility for conforming to the copyright law of the United States. Persons wishing photocopies must complete a request for photocopies. Persons wanting reproductions of photographs must fill out a request for reproductions of photographs.
  4. Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited in the storage and reading areas.
  5. Records should be left in their existing order. Please alert the Archivist to records which seem out of order.
  6. Pencils and ball-point pens are acceptable for note-taking, not felt-tip pens or fountain pens. Care should be taken not to mark, fold or otherwise damage materials.
  7. Photographs should be held by their edges and backs only. White cotton gloves are available.